Fitness After 40 Is the Best Way to Enjoy Aging

About Me

Fitness After 40?
I’ve been there… Done that… Still doing it at 50….and you can do so too!

Hi, I am Nady, Age – 50 Years. I am a running enthusiast and have been doing it 6 days a week for more than 15 years now. I love to do mid-distance of about 8-10 km, and I have done it all the way through my 40s, and I don’t see any reason to stop now at 50… This blog is all about fitness After 40.

Fitness after 40

Running has always been a progression and a continuous learning process for me. Understanding and learning your body takes years, which also keeps changing as you age. The changes will still make you look and feel good about yourself if you are fit.

I started by running for sessions of just 10 minutes, but they used to feel like never-ending long tasks. Now, I can run for an hour on any given day, and still do another workout or swimming session later in the evening.

In the beginning days, the challenge of completing the time drew me to the treadmill every day. It mainly was struggle and exhaustion, but the feeling after the sessions was something that I wanted to experience the next day.

The journey has been eventful, and there were times when I had to slow down because of injuries like Achilles tendonitis, muscle tears, ligament rupture, and swollen knee. I did not stop running but educated myself to understand the reasons why I got injured and worked towards healing and rehabilitation. I must have done the right things because I can now run pain-free.

These experiences have given me immense learning and knowledge, allowing me to take my fitness to a higher level. The transformation is real, and you can do it too. I can help you unlock your confidence and potential to become fit after 40. I hope to motivate and guide you in your journey of fitness After 40.

At the outset, let me tell you the secret to fitness as you age. It does not matter what kind of fitness activity you prefer to do, but it will be effective in the long run only if you are consistent. You need to show up day after day and do what you need to do.

I would love to connect with like-minded people who feel passionate about fitness. It does not matter if you are a beginner or a super fit person. This platform is the ideal place for us all to collaborate and help each other improve the quality of our lives.